Mastersound 300B and bass

I've been planning on getting a Mastersound amp for some time as I've heard the Due Venti integrated a while ago and liked it a lot. Went through as many reviews of all their amps and the 300B seems to be the one that everybody liked a lot.

The one downside it may have of what I gather is that the bass is lacking a little, which the rest of what it does may well make up for.

Still would like to find out what owners of 300B amps have to say about this and if you'd suggest some other amp that may be similar.

The Due Venti with the EL34's did go pretty low and I'm wondering if the 300B may be similar to that. I don't expect lots of punch but a good bass I like.

The amp will drive a pair of Living Voice Avatars in a not overly big room.

Would appreciate any input on this. Of course it doesn't have to be a Mastersound, just liked the one I've heard and was surprised how sweet it was.


Showing 1 response by david12

The Italians do seem to make great valve amps and valve integrated's in particularly. If you are questioning base, then I would consider an 845 based SET. The 3 main Italian makers, New Audio frontiers, Mastersound and Viva, all make 845 SET's. I have used the 22watt 845 Viva Solista for 4 years and it ain't going anywhere. I am sure others will disagree, but if you want power, grip on the speakers, neutrality, good base and above all transparency, go for an 845. I have yet to hear a reasonably priced amp I prefer to the Solista, anywhere A 300B is still a great amp of course, well executed, as the Frankenstein is, but inevitably, it will have a lower output, so limit speaker choice. My Solista drives my 89db Acoustic Zen Adagios, better, louder, than the 180watt ss Karan K180 I tried.