Mass-loading subwoofer

I have a Rel G1 MK2 subwoofer (108#) that sits on an Auralex Great Gramma V2 platform (300# limit) and I think that I want to mass-load it.
The question is mass-load with what and, how much weight?

I’ve been looking at (for instance) a box of granite/marble slabs etc. from Lowe’s that are still in the box and strapped, or bags of steel shot from etc. on Diversitech pads.

Would those options “rattle” etc?

I know that the obvious answer is to experiment but I really would like suggestions first and there seems to be surprisingly little information on the subject anyplace.




Showing 5 responses by bacchus1234

Hmmm. Rubber-coated weights is an interesting idea too. 

The Auralex seems to already be pretty good at decoupling and especially for the price. An added benefit is that it’s much easier to move the subwoofer if needed. 

Something like Gaia’s would probably be better but also a good deal more expensive PLUS I really don’t want to have to remove the existing feet to replace? 

Ha ha! zlone that’s a unique idea but where would I go about buying that? 

What is everyone’s thoughts on the “bundled” flooring idea? If I remember correctly, a 50# bundle was about $60-70. The bags of steel shot were pretty reasonable too. 

Thanks for the responses folks! 

I DO realize that Rel themselves dissuade against using a platform but with my current flooring it does seem to work better. 

Yes, it IS an expensive subwoofer but I paid less for it (used) than most other midline or even less brands would’ve cost. I have zero intention of changing subwoofers but merely wanting to experiment using others expertise as a starting point.
You are very correct about room acoustics though and would certainly appreciate any suggestions in that department. 

I sincerely hope that this response doesn’t come off as overly negative though and I’m merely asking for advice within the confines of my situation. 

Thanks so much! 

… actually, I do think that it’s always good to get a completely different perspective from the way you are currently thinking so maybe I really shouldn’t limit advice at all. 

Thanks again! 

Jl1ny- Rel Special Carbon? That’s with a down-firing passive right? 

To be honest, I got the Auralex for my previous Rel (S5/SHO) which had the down-firing passive and it greatly improved it. I’ve never actually experimented without it with the G1 though.