Martin Logan vs. Everything

I have a pair of Martin Logan 13a. to me they sound incredible. The thing is I also like to spend time at hi-fi shops , whether they be brick and mortar or or online and it seems like those dealers think the Martin Logan are the weak Link in my system…


I’ve listened to Speakers twice and even three times the price and they don’t sound any better to me but I do have my room treated and everything is tuned just in my liking. my personal opinion is that Martin Logan has spent years perfecting what they do with the electrostatic speaker, and that it’s just not financially feasible for some of these smaller companies to try and do the same so they have traditional box speakers, which are great, but to me not as great as the Martin Logan .


so how wrong am I ? Fight me. 



Showing 2 responses by cerberus79

I am currently running a pair of Expression 13a and a pair of Aerial 10t in my music room. Previously I had a pair of Logan Summit X and Magnepan 3.7i. The Magnepans were great but I felt the Logans were just a bit better. I then sold those and stepped up to the 13a that has way better bass control and room correction. I listen to the 10t when I’m moving around and doing things but for real listening it’s the Logans. My only complaint is the small sweet spot but a nice Bourbon and a comfortable chair solves that. If you are happy with them that is all that matters, after all it’s you that has to be pleased.

From my experience and many others I have spoken with Magnolia is a terrible place to audition speakers. Their rooms are very badly set up.