Martin Logan Summit

I have been suffering from amps clipping with these wonderfull speakers specially when i increase the volume over the middle level, i have tried several amps with no success, has any one had a similar exprience??

Showing 3 responses by ckoffend

While I myself have not run the Summits, I am somewhat familiar with the demands of these speakers and also with MLs to a much lesser degree.

First thing is you should check out the ML owners site (just google it and it will show up first) and you will get very good feedback on this.

I think you will likely need something high current and high power with the ability to manage a low ohm load. A Krell would be one example of such an amp. If you are running something in the mid level range of amps (ie. Rotel, Adcom, B&K, etc. . .) the amp is not likely to hold up to the demands and the result is exactly as you describe.
Objective1, you made the following statement (below):

"I do like to listen loud, and these speakers are very transparent. You will end up driving them very loud before you get the same kind of 'full' feeling you get from traditional drivers."

Correct me if I have mis-interpreted your comment. Are you saying that the Martin Logans need to be played fairly loud (in comparison to cone speakers) to get the same full performance? Without playing the MLs loud, do you find that they lack the luster and excitement and sound somewhat dull at the lower volume levels?

Reason for my question is that I recently purchased a pair of ML Quest Zs and find them dull unless I really crank them up louder than I like to listen. I have suspected that they may need new panels as the existing panels are aging and "wearing out" or "tiring".

Thanks if you don't mind elaborating on your statement (I am not challenging you, just seeking your input and clarification).
FWIW, I put new panels in over the weekend. They have livened up at lower, but not low listening levels. I typically run Wilson W/P and the two speakers are very different in many regards. This fact (with mine) just being one of them. The MLs have a great, large sound stage and other attributes, as well.