Martin Logan Quest Z Bass - can it be fixed ?

Ok, I'm about to pick some of these up...auditioned them today for about an hour. Yes, like others have written/found, the bass is muddy. It would be liveable for quite a while, but I'm just wondering, what can be done about it ? Maybe a Velodyne sub ?

Showing 7 responses by mikey44

I wonder how the Ascent I would sound compared to the Quest Z?

I could 'live' with the Quest if I had to :)
When I get them, I'd drive them with an Onkyo M-504 I think. Maybe I'd agree somewhat with 'sterile', but I really like everything but the bass on them. Crystal clear but no 'ultra-highs' that make it fatiguing, like some other speakers I have.

Are you saying, Johnsonwu, that the bass is fixable with x=over mods ?

Can the panels handle bass (at all) even at low volumes ?
I ask this as I'm wondering if a DIY'er might send everything to the panels, and just watch volume levels.

One more question, did ML fix this with the Request ?
Or, what did ML make that sounds as good as these (but bass) that is in the price range ?

Thx again...
Rrog - are you saying the M-504 cannot handle low ohm loads ?
Guess I never really looked that deeply into 'engineering quality' specs.

From AK:
"No problems with low impedance loads. A very fine, dynamic amp."

I tend to think, from what I've read re the 504 over the years, that at my volume levels, it'll have no trouble.

Should I think differently ?

I think IF I get them, maybe I'd try upgrading the x-overs...not sure.
Ok, well, I hooked up (finally :) the Maggie SMGa's I've had here...too much stuff...

They sound pretty good, not the same as the Quest Z's mids and highs but very nice...a little light in the bass, but...

I also have Maggie MGIIa's that need rewiring. And, with a little research I find some average prices:
SMGa - $300
MGIIa - 420

So I get to wondering, should I get the MGIIa's rewired ? They're very very nice otherwise. I'm a believer in the theory that $ = quality, so, maybe I should sell the SMGa's and keep the MGIIa's ? This is alongside the 'quest' for a better panel/hybrid also of never knows what Santa will bring home (Quest Z's ?) right ?
Yea, I see a bunch of MG3.6R's for sale...just a little more than I wanted to spend (unless I were to sell something) now. There are a pair 2 hrs away I may hear, and he also has Acoustat 1+1's for sale too.
The Thiels are out. I really wanted a non-box speaker next anyways, but I know the guy, and the price is right I think. Still I want non-box. Not sure re the 1+1's. I don't know re the 3 series, I'm somewhat a newbie re non-box speakers, but I figure, the amount they sell for is proportional to what they;ll sound like. The same guy who has the 1+1's has 3.6R's too, but too much $ for me right now.
Well, I don't know if 'muddy' is the correct term, or the most common one to describe the Quest-z, but, there is something just not there to me. My JBL 240Ti's or AR9's sound much better at those frewquencies. But, the Quest's are not in the same room, or house for that matter. At what price could you folks 'live' with the Quest-z's I wonder ?