Martin-Logan Descent or Rel Stadium Subwoofer

I have heard great things on both subwoofers. I do have ML SL3's for which the Descent is made for(electrostatic speakers). The Rel's can adjust the mid-high frequencies for a seamless blend and are great on all types of designs so I have heard.. I believe the Descent cannot, only tuning for low frequency. Any opinions out there on these two subs considered for my speakers? The price point is about the same. Retail $3000. Thanks, Steve

Showing 2 responses by gtejr

Well I just finished listening to the Rel Stadium and the Descent. I took the Descent home. It matches seamlessly with the Ml-Requests. The boys at ML did their homework.
The depth is fabulous and it is quick as can be. I highly recommend picking one up if you have the means.
I was thinking about the descent as well. I currently have 2 ML sets ( 2 channel for music and a surround set up for movies both with ML Requests) both with REL strata III's. I like the flexability the rel offers. For your set up the stadium III would be overkill. Save yourself a heap of cash and pick up a used storm or strata.$ 900-1200 on audiogon. I will let you know if I make the switch and how it works out.