Marten Bird 2, B&W 800 Diamond or Wilson Sasha

I am new to this forum and would appreciate any comments/advice. I am in the process of getting a new system to replace my current setup: ML33H, ML380S, ML390S, B&W Signature 800, all Kimber Select speaker cable and interconnect. I am considering the following:

1) Krell Evolution 600e monoblocks, Krell Phantom Preamp, Krell Cipher CD/SACD electronics/source or

2) Simaudio Evolution W-7M monoblocks, Simaudio P-8 preamp, Simaudio Andromeda CD electronics/source, with

3) Marten Bird 2, B&W 800 Diamond or Wilson Sasha speakers.

Will appreciate any advice from those of your who have had experience with these components and makes. My listening room is about 3.6m x 5.5m with 2.6m high ceilings. Thanks.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions, really appreciate it. I am going back to the dealer for another listening session with the Martens+SimAudio and Martens+Vitus gear this weekend. I quite like the sound of the Wilson Sasha, although I also like the Martens, which I feel is a little more refined than the Wilsons (subjective, of course). Am leaning towards the Martens+Simaudio setup. Also considering getting the finite elements Master Reference audio racks for the equipment.
I have had my current system for almost 10 years and am moving into a new home, so I wanted to try something complaints with the Levinsons and SIgnature 800, I suppose I just got bitten by the upgrade/tinkering bug and wanted to try something different being that I am moving into a new home as well!
I heard that dealers or demonstrators in Bangkok hifi shows are good in setting up systems which showcase a near full potential of loudspeakers and/or components on display. You might want to check out the next upcoming show to have a feel of the potential candidates that are shortlisted. Definitely choose loudspeakers ahead of electronics.

Out of all three speakers listed, I have only listened to the Sasha. Outstanding speakers. Dynamic, detailed and yet avoids an analytical sound with its sweet airy highs. I believe the B&W and Marten are equally magnificent designs on their own.

Good luck.