Markering of CD Edges

Has anyone who "paints" the edges of their CDs with various-colored markers noticed any loss of information after marking their discs? There's a thread over at Audio Asylum, where one person indicates that marking up the edges of a disc actually decreases readability and increases errors. I personally haven't noticed this effect--actually, quite the opposite--but I'm wondering what others' experiences are.

In addition, does painting the edge of an SACD green have any deleterious effect? I just found out that green is not the appropriate color to use on SACDs, but that information comes after marking up about 50 SACDs. Can I just leave the green markering on, or is it having a negative effect and should I remove it with rubbing alcohol?

Many thanks for any responses.

Showing 1 response by wc65mustang

I've found that green markers work best on SACD and blue on DVD. However, red is best on "redbook" which makes sense to me. I've tried all of your picture recommendations and can't hear the difference. Should I look into a new transport? Thanks in advance to all.