Markering of CD Edges

Has anyone who "paints" the edges of their CDs with various-colored markers noticed any loss of information after marking their discs? There's a thread over at Audio Asylum, where one person indicates that marking up the edges of a disc actually decreases readability and increases errors. I personally haven't noticed this effect--actually, quite the opposite--but I'm wondering what others' experiences are.

In addition, does painting the edge of an SACD green have any deleterious effect? I just found out that green is not the appropriate color to use on SACDs, but that information comes after marking up about 50 SACDs. Can I just leave the green markering on, or is it having a negative effect and should I remove it with rubbing alcohol?

Many thanks for any responses.

Showing 2 responses by jax2

I asked Nelson Pass and he recommended getting a really fine tip green
sharpie and drawing miniature Fred Flintstone heads all around the perimeter
of the CD edge. You may need a magnifying glass. There should be room for
about 178-187 Fred Heads on the edge of a CD if you're drawing him
correctly. Let me tell you, once the muscles in your hand finish cramping up,
you'll have a yabba dabba dooo time listening to your entire collection as if a
veil had lifted! If you really want to get ambitious Pass also suggests dotting
Fred's eyes with a blue marker instead of the green. Oh, and don't even
bother trying Barney, or Wilma, BamBam or's gotta be Fred or it
won't make a damn bit of difference. This is otherwise known in the inner
circles of the High End as the "Fred's Head Mod". Now I know a
bunch of you are doing one of those hand to the forehead smacks as it all
starts to snap into place...that's what all those folks at CES were asking about
when they asked you, "Have you met Fred?" and "Are you a
friend of Fred?" or, simply "Got Head?" You wondered why
they dropped you like a wrong number when you didn't respond. Well, now
you know. When you're done, I'd suggest Gojo Natural Orange hand cleaner
for those green marker stains..don't stay up too late now. No, not Dino either.
Just Fred!

Dean - you need the Pass Labs Fred's Head Signature magnifying loupe and specially modified Fred's Head green and blue razor-point Sharpie™ set. During the month of July it comes with a free wrist-brace from Ace Bandage and a small bottle of Gojo in the fresh orange scent. All of this for the bargain price of $379.95 (financing available). And if you act right now (1-800-FREDHED), and mention my name they'll send you Fred's likeness on the inside of a matchbook cover so you can have a guide to make sure you're accurate. I cannot stress the importance of accuracy in rendering Fred here, and this is probably what castrated Limp Bizkit for Howard. He's probably drawing expressionistic Fred's with one eye bigger than the other. Oh, and the dude with the one Dino's in for a big dissappointment too. Just Fred!


(with sincere apologies to Nelson Pass)