Mark Levinson PrecisionLink Dac

Just curious if anyone has any other the new Mark Levinson products with their PrecisionLink Dac like the 526 preamp or 5101 disc/streamer. Is it as good as the Mytek Manhattan , Ayre DAC or PS Audio DirectSream.  I here Levinson is going to be adding MQA decoding, so looking to upgrade from my Benchmark 2 since I stream Tidal. My equipment is Ayre K5xMP preamp, Mark Levinson 532H amp with Revel 228BE speakers. Looking to possibly upgrade to Ayre KX5 Twenty preamp and better Dac or just jump to the Mark Levinson 526 pre with the precision link Dac, I here it sounds phenomenal but reviews on Ayre KX5 Twenty are extremely positive.  