Mark Levinson preamp no. 38 vs 38s vs 380 vs 380s

Good day,

can someone help me one the topic. What is the difference between the 38, 38s, 380 and the 380s. I was planning on getting another preamp so that i can use balanced cable to my Krell. First i had the MF to my Krell and then my father gave me his SF Power 1. Now i have the MF hookup to my SF Power 1.

My current system
B&W Nautilus 803
Krell FPB-200c
Sonic Frontiers Power 1
Musical Fidelity A3CR preamp
Sony SCD-1


Showing 1 response by airtaxi

On that last point, don't sell your preamp so fast. I have a 380 and a 39 that I just had upgraded to a 390s. I too was considering selling my 380 and running the 390 direct. I have run it through the 380 to my 332 using balanced cables and compared it to the 390 driving the 332 solo.

Depth of detail and dynamics were significantly better running through the preamp compared to running the 390s direct. The 390 direct sounded good but the 390/380 combo was far and away more engaging.

Just my .02
