Mark Levinson Preamp+Mcintosh Power Amp

My first post here. I love high end audio and listen to my records and streamer all the time. Having said that, it is not until recently that I started learning and experiencing various audio brands. 

I currently own Mcintosh C40+MC7300, which I bought this year as my first SS combo in the last 20 years. I've been using all tubes before. I really love the sound when it works, but there are times when I wish I had a better preamp. I have a large record collection (mostly 1950~1965 jazz originals) and thus have a nice separate phono amp. The reason I bought C40 is because I love recording vinyls and it supports three tape outs. I regularly record to reel-to-reel tapes and also digitize them with my Benchmark ADC. I have upgraded my speaker to Devore O/96 this year and I looove the sound.

So my question is, is it a good (or at least a reasonable) idea to replace my C40 with ML 380s while keeping the MC7300? Can I expect improvements in dynamics, noise, sound stage etc? Any suggestions or recommendations are welcome. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

I love Mac, BUT Mark Ls, WOW. If they are in good sonic order, I would be hard pressed to turn it down.. Sure would be nice to side by side. If you could afford it, then sell ay?

The thing about Mac is the service AND they have a good machine for just what you're doing... Tape and vinyl.  The CD part... Like I said can you afford to have both? At least for a tape/CD recording session. One may be better sonically, as a play back rig and the other better for your recording?

Macs are tough to beat in that department.. How they measure up to ML, sonically.. I'll take the ML. With a Mac amp, it might be a toss up.. A/B is the best... 

I'm close to the same deal though. Just waiting on a few parts.. I always loved RtR or cassette for that matter, just not to fond of the SQ on the cassettes.
