Mark Levinson & Others

Was considering purchasing one of the newer Mark Levinson integrated amps but I have noticed a lot of them for sale on the used and open box market. Particularly the 585 and the 5805 models, although I am looking at the 5802 model. Is this a bad omen? I know this is not the ML of the past.

Also looking at the Krell K300i but when I called the US authorized Krell repair center, I was surprised when the tech advised me against purchasing any of the newer Krell products. If you are interested in Krell he said to buy the older stuff and refurbish it, that's worth it. I see a few of these units coming on the market now as well.

These are both companies that are newer entities of themselves. Are people purchasing these amps with high expectations, going on their past reputations only to find that they’re not what they were hoping for, for whatever reason?


Showing 2 responses by linnlp12

I have to disagree. The newer stuff is pricey but it's excellent I have a 526 preamp I am listening to through a levinson ML23.5 and older Matrix speakers.   The phono stage is magnificent and I am really enjoying it.  I have both tube and solid state. Right now listening to a Linn LP12 Troika and it's goosepimple territory with the ML23.5. Also a Cardas fanboy but tried Transparent with this setup.  Excellent synergy.   I have not yet tried the 526 dac or linestage going -  to soon. I am mainly vinyl.  The 23.5 is wonderful, trying to save for the 536 amps.  I heard them and they are special.  I don't know anything about the pieces you mentioned but the new design team Levinson put together, in my opinion did a great job.  At some point older Levinson products need maintenance, that can be pricey.  I hesitated in going after the amp I found and even posted about the cost.  After hearing the 23.5, I committed.  Will easily rebuild if needed but mine had little use .  Won't look back. 

As mentioned in prior post, they (536) sounded great to my ears.  The 526 now heard the linestage and DAC.  Think this preamp is special.  The 536 really sounded great, hope I have the means to purchase at some point in future.  I cant comment on design.  Sound wise I wouldn't hesitate.