Mark Levinson No.512 CD Player---Opinions

Wow!! I just listened to the new Mark Levinson 512 CD player against the usual known suspects of Eoteric, EMM, dCS, and alike and I am convinced that Mark Levinson is back. I was able to spend ample time with the local dealer in Southern California in comparing the unit and we both agreed it was sensational. FYI, it is $15k but it is well worth it. Complete tonal balance and dynamic as anything I have heard for the price. I would be eager to hear others' opinion about this player.
For reference, the dealer has also already delivered several pieces of the 532 and the 53 to his customers. It sounds like Levinson is telling you what you want to hear to keep you happy (they've done a lot to piss off their dealers in recent years regarding product availability and I'm sure they don't want to lose any more dealers). It's not surprising, bigger customers always get priority. I know of other Levinson dealers that, like you, have yet to receive a single piece of any of the above.
>>I'm the largest dealer for Levinson.<<

In height and weight?

Doesn't seem to matter in any case.