Mark Levinson No.37 and 36s Vurs ML 39 CD Player


What do all you audiophile experts think is the better
choice of the Two ML. products. I currently own the
Levinson 36s, but was thinking about saling the unit
and replacing it with the No. 39 CD Player.
All your opinions and suggestions would be helpful


Showing 1 response by herman

Don't take my word as the final answer, but it seems I remember my dealer telling me that a 39 used the same transport mechanism as the 37 and the same DACs as a 36, just in a single box. If that is true, you would be going from a 36S to a 36 plus you would lose the benefits of the separate power supplies. It seeems like a step back to me. Perhaps some one more Levinson savy could verify or refute this.