Mark Levinson 38s Question Real or Fake?

Hi, recently got a Mark Levinson 38s. The front plate says 38s but the rear only says Model 38. I called Mark Levinson and asked someone in the tech support department whether this is a true 38s. I thought that if I gave him the serial number he could simply look it up. He said since the company has changed hands and moved a few times they no longer have records for such an old product, but said that it’s probably a true 38s because no one would go thru the trouble of changing the front plate. When I turn on the unit the display only says “No 38”. Tech support also said when Mark Levinson upgraded the units even though they put on a new front plate with the 38s designation on the rear they only put a sticker which was prone to falling off.

Am I being paranoid?  Any way of verifying? At this point I’m assuming it is an “upgraded” 38 but was never told that when I purchased it.

Lastly, the unit came without a remote and without power cord. I am using an “L” shaped power cord but it sticks out too much. Any way of getting an original ML power cord and remote?

My first post, thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by rossman

Levinson did not place stickers of the #38S on the rear. The genuine 38S Preamp had that moniker on the front but simply state #38 on the rear near the serial number as well as the display on startup.  You have a true #38S.  The new remotes dedicated to it cost $1375.00 from Levinson so save you pennies or keep you eye out for a used one stealbay. They normally fetch $325-$400 used.