Mark Levinson 380S

I'm sure I'm going to feel like an idiot when I get the answer, but here goes . . .

I just picked up a a 380S Preamp. I have chosen an input for my turntable and named that input PH 4. However, when I set Mode to Monitor, the display reads PH 4 OFF, and I am getting no signal. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to change this to PH 4 ON, or just PH 4. There is no mention of OFF being a setting in the Monitor mode. (FYI, the turntable is feeding into a ML PLS226 Power Supply & 25S Preamp, and the 380S is feeding a ML 333 Amp.)

Any ideas?


Thanks, I do have the manual, but appreciate your link. However, this simply prevents the designated input from sending a signal to the recording outputs. This has nothing to do with sending the signal to the amp & speakers.

It isn't RECD OFF that is the issue (which is indeed displayed when I go into Record Select Mode), but PH 4 OFF (which is displayed in Monitor Mode.) As the instructions say, RECD OFF should be in effect if you simply wish to listen to a signal and not record it.

It isn't RECD OFF that is the issue (which is indeed displayed when I go into Record Select Mode), but PH 4 OFF (which is displayed in Monitor Mode.)

Yes, I appreciate that, but was wondering whether the same basic sequence of button pushing might also toggle PH 4 ON and OFF.

On my unit if you turn the volume all the way down for any input the display indicates OFF (same is true when first turning it on).  Turning the volume up increases it.  If turning the volume up does not increase volume then you may have a software glitch.  Try rebooting the preamp (volume is under digital control).  If it still doesn't work you have some kind of hardware or software failure.