Mark Levinson 33H vs Musical Fidelity KW Mono Amps

Both are high quality, high current amps. The Levinson 33H runs at 150watts per channel and the Musical Fidelity KW mono blocks runs at 1000watts per channel. Sonically, are they both high end amps in the same league, or does the Levinson out-class the Musical Fidelity KW's?
Rugyboogie -
That's about as good a comparison as one can get. To expand your comment one step further. . .
How much difference is between the 33 and 33H, relative to power, slam, and occaisional aggressive listening periods?
George, I was a very happy camper with my 33h for 8 years. When the 33 were installed it was almost sad to find out how much we had been missing . My wife made the comment and asked if the sub was on. It was not. The 33 has WAY more slam . The unit in my opinion MUST run on 220v 40 amp to really let this amp be all that it can be. If you can go for the 60 amp breaker do it.
Quick question by a novice: can someone explain why a 150W amp is able to deliver more sonic depth and power than a 1000W amp ?? Moreover, ML 33h good enough to drive my Magnepan 3.6R or do I need to go for the 33?
I bought a pair of Mark Levinson 33h recently and enjoy it a lot. Recently the amp will power off after 30 minutes playing. Can anyone tell me how or where to repair them? Thanks in advance, lan
05-02-11: Avloverdad
I bought a pair of Mark Levinson 33h recently and enjoy it a lot. Recently the amp will power off after 30 minutes playing. Can anyone tell me how or where to repair them? Thanks in advance, lan

Give these guys a call. No way would I trust Harmon Kardon Mark Levinson to service a real Madrigal Labs Mark Levinson..One of their lead techs has many years experience servicing Mark Levinson (Madrigal Labs).