Mark Levinson 30.5/31.5 vs Wadia 861se

Has anyone compared these two digital front ends. I know this is probably a question of personal taste and I should listen for myself but, there are no dealers for either in my area, and I would be looking used. I listen to all types of music. Prefer detailed but laidback sound with lots of soundstage depth. You can see my system listed. Only interested in Redbook.

One other thing.......... am I better off looking at something completely different (i.e. are these players easily beat by newer less expensive stuff these days?).



Showing 1 response by cmo

Teajay: Great thread you started there. I liked the idea of flavors vs. a "best" since we (should) all know there is no "best". In the end it is a matter of personal taste. I have not heard any of the "reference" DACS in my system but my little Theta Miles still holds it's own in the 5K range....... I am just curious though thinking what might be possible. BTW, How do you characterize the ML compared to what you are using now?

Beemer: Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately I am in Texas (or a very long way from you). I greatly appreciate your response having owned both set-ups. Have you compared the ML to any of the "flavor of the day" stuff? In your opinion would the ML DAC work well with my Theta as a transport until I could afford the ML transport or, are they very dependent on each other?

Thanks again for your thoughts
