Mark Levinson 27.5 versus modern day amps

I had started a thread on the 334 but looks like the caps if not replaced is a crap shoot. However, how does the 27.5 compare to some modern day or newish amps? Do you think it would be worth it to purchase a 27.5 as they seem to be going for $1800 to $2700.  Upwards of $2200 is ridiculous in my opinion as they used to sell for $1700-$2000 a few years ago. Also what preamps mate well with ML amps? 
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Showing 3 responses by ernio1

Mark Levinson 27.5 is by far the best amp I have ever owned.
I have owned (not just tried)......

 - BAT VK-55 all tube
- Levinson 331
- Audio Research VT-100 II
- Pass Labs X250 (worst)
- Bel Canto EVO 4 gen II
- Gamut D200
- Many others

The 27.5, although an older design (Circa 1992), beats them all by a large margin.  It allows the listener to view into the performance better than any other with no grain or hardness to the sound.  All other amps seem to contribute some type of coloration to the sound of the music.  The 27.5 seems to remove all barriers that may restrict the pleasure of listening.

This one is a keeper and I will have it until I die.

Hey Sam.  I did not realize this was your thread.  Congratulations on your purchase of the 27.5!   A very smart move!   Isn't it strange that such an old amp like the 27.5 beats out most of the current high end stuff?  Are you keeping the VK-55?  The VK-55 is better than all amps that I've listed but I believe the 27.5 is better than the VK-55 overall.  However, I think the VK-55 has more bloom in the lower midrange...great for female voices.  Yes, you are right about the Pass.  It is initially impressive but does not hold up in the long run due to it's brightness and hardness.
Hopefully you will keep both amps, they are both great amps.

This is an old thread, but I would like to add to this since I contributed earlier to this thread and recently purchased a new integrated amp.  This was not to replace current electronics but just to add to it.  Current system consists of all vintage electronics.

My vintage system has an extremely euphoric, holographic sound with beautiful overtones and depth. It includes

 - Audio research LS5 II all tube and all balanced preamp with all NOS Amperex 7308 NOS tubes. 

 -  Levinson 27.5 power amp.

- PS Audit Digital Link DAC with Cullen Mod.

- Audio Research PH3 Phono preamp.

- Oracle Delphi III with Oracle SME 335 tonearm.

I recently picked up a near new Levinson 5805 Integrated amp for a good price.

I hooked up my PS Audio DAC since the Levinson internal DAC was not at all comparable to the sound of the PS Audio.

I was immediately blown away after firing it up.  The sound was completely transparent and very high quality and detailed.  The sound was completely different than my vintage setup.  It revealed that my vintage setup had distortions in the sound reproduction making the sound euphoric and very inviting.   I'm almost preferring the new levinson sound since the sound is absolutely pure and linear with no detectable distortions...good or bad. 

So if anyone is in the market for a great integrated amp, look no further than the Mark Levinson 5805!

By the way, my PS Audit Digital Link with Cullen Mod is by far the finest sounding DAC that I've ever owned. It easily beats the current PS Audio Direct Steam DAC.  It seems the old PS Audio has at least double the resolution compared to the Direct Stream.  I quickly sold the Direct Stream after purchase.