Marigo Dynamic Driver Band Impressions

I am considering tweaking my N.E.A.R. 50 Me II speakers with Marigo Audio Labs Dynamic Driver Bands. Listening impressions and installation experiences are appreciated. Thanks to everyone who responded to my previous post regarding Deflex panels. I am very pleased with the improvement Marigo VTS dots have provided so far. I have these installed on the midrange and bass drivers and also on the rear of the speaker cabinets. Since the Dynamic Driver Band tweak is more involved, I hope to get as much feedback as possible before proceeding. God bless.

Showing 1 response by jgbeltran

I have yet to use the bands but belive that Marigo Audio is still one of audios best kept secret. Ron Hedrich was a neighbor of mine when his business was in Skokie, Il. I use to listen to his audio philosophies and he is just a genious when it comes to Physics.