March Audio Sointuva

I listened to a set yesterday.
An amazing amount of bass came out of them, and pretty much they have the creme de la creme of of drivers and passive radiators.

I know it is the wrong forum for objective facts, I am totally biased, and it was not a blind listening. But they sounded good to me.

Have anyone else heard of these? They are from Australia (in the lower left corner.)


Showing 1 response by holmz

  • Another listen yesterday.
    • Yeah they are still good.
  • Objective testing score was very high, and distortion was very low
    • It is similar to some other high end speakers that I have heard where they sound a bit quiet, but the SPL is so high prevents holding a conversation. Pretty much need a meter because one cannot just keep turning them up until they sound distorted… That old-school method, just never seems to come around. 
  • So I am getting a set.