I have the AZUR 640R paired with PSB Imagine's and a Rotel amp running a VMPS Large Sub, and am very happy with it. I have not listened to Marantz in years, but at the time I liked them. Though today I would call them too bass heavy. Great for Jazz and Classic music. I like the all around nature of the Cambridge better. But of course it just my opinion.
Marantz SR5008 vs Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R
Hi all..I'm quite a newbie to this. Deciding between the Marantz SR5008 and the Cambridge Audio AZUR 650R (too outdated??) to drive Anthony Gallo Ref 3.5s (front speakers), Anthony gallo reference Strada 2 center and strada 2 rear speakers and a gallo TR-1 subwoofer. Which would be a better bet? (Just to add, I also have the ref 3 SA to drive the reference 3.5's). Any thoughts would be more than appreciated...:-) Thanks so much!