Marantz SA7S1 owners - stock or modded

Looking to hear from any Marantz SA7-S1 owners with either stock or Underwood Mod's. I have a modded SA11-S1 and am wondering what I'm missing.

Showing 1 response by hooper

I own an SA-7S1 and have heard several modded versions. All I can say is, just be careful. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with modding, and I support it in many cases, but IMO the Marantz 7 and 11 are such wonderfully balanced players that the wrong mods can actually hurt rather than help. The modded players I’ve heard definitely CHANGE the sound—no doubt about it—but whether that change is a good thing or not is open only to the listener. I personally didn’t care for any of the modded units, and I’m keeping mine stock until I hear a mod that unequivocally IMPROVES the sound in ALL parameters. Just my opinion, of course. YMMV.