Marantz SA10 sacd player

I love this  player , after 3 yrs and 2 months I purchase it. It doesn’t read single layer sacd. It’s out of waaranty.So United Radio marantz authorize won’t repair it. Is this a common issue on this expensive sacd player?


Showing 8 responses by tvad

While people can surmise that owners of SA-10 and Ruby have had laser issues and not post about them is fine. But it is not first-hand knowledge of such.

I have a friend who bought an SA-10 from Music Direct last year. Within a month it was at George Meyer for warranty repair.

He did not post about it.

No surmising involved. First hand knowledge of such.

EDIT: I don’t know George Meyer’s service policy for out of warranty Marantz components. Give them a call. 

 I may have to contact stereo rehab about shipping them my unit IF ("IF" being the operative word) mine ever takes a dump

Kaspar doesn’t accept long distance repairs. He insists on local only, where he can speak one-on-one with the customer, demonstrate that the component works properly after the service, and the component has no chance of being damaged in shipping. 

I asked him about this.

Casper explain to me what need to be changed.He is legit. Charging me between $230 to $250. Very fair.

Fair indeed!

When Kaspar delivers a repair, he always connects the device to his system so the customer can hear it and see it’s fixed. So, you’ll be able to experience his vintage system. By the way, all the vintage tube electronics lining the shelves in his waiting room are owned by him, and most aren’t for sale.

I suggest letting Kaspar do his job and resist giving him instructions. He is a very detail oriented person. He will take care of you. 

You’re welcome, @jayctoy. I hope things continue to work out favorably until you have a working SA10 again.

Thanks also to @sharri for identifying the correct part and purchase resource. 

Since you’re going to Stereo Rehab to talk with Kaspar, I suggest taking the SA-10 and laser part. He will want to see the player and diagnose it while you’re there. This is his approach.

It will also potentially save you an extra trip.

I have been to live performances of concerts where some of the orchestra, or one singer, is in the balcony above and behind the ground-level seats in the concert hall. SACD should duplicate this.

Immersive audio accomplishes this. It has little to do with a recording’s resolution (although some say a DSD recording helps).

For a comprehensive discussion of Immersive audio, read this by Chris Connaker.

Jafant I am choosing stereo rehab here in Chicago. This was recommended by TVAD. They will assessed the player in front of me.Thats how they do it.

When I visited Stereo Rehab with my brother, who needed some service on his late 1980s Panasonic turntable, Kaspar spent 45 minutes with us explaining the table and showing us in detail what he thought would fix the problem. He was completely forthright and told us his full service on the table would probably cost more than the table was worth (~$200), and he showed us what to do! All for no charge.

Just remarkable service.

Wait until you sit in his mood-lit waiting/delivery room surrounded by dozens of glowing Fisher receivers (his favorite).

Kaspar has a very dry sense of humor.