I like what TVAd said ,, expensive sacd are not immune to lens failure.Especially if they are used daily and put more hrs on them
Sharri I used my SA10 almost everyday for 3 yrs before the laser debacle.
Matthew I thought I will retired at 62 . I started buying good power cords ic and speaker cables, that Iam really familiar with.Music Direct usually they have warehouse sale during summer. I get a very good discount. Most of my gear are slightly used.This are my favorite cables for power cords Audioquest, for ic and speakers cable I like tellurium and Nordost. I like high fidelity stuff as well.
Matthew the SA10 loves good pc and interconnect.I used reveal pc high fidelity for ic I am rotating my valkyrja Nordost, Dynamic cable ic, Audioquest diamond , my favorite is tellurium silver diamond ic.
Jafant I went talk to stereo rehab guy Casper very nice guy. Nice store. I did not bring my SA10.He said , he can do it. Only if the parts came from Encompass.So yes I like Him to do it.TVAD thank you.
Jafant on rca you can’t tell the difference between Ruby and SA10. It’s the balance where the SA 10 is better.ITS MORE OPEN LAYERING AND SOUNDSTAGE IS BIGGER, more depth and impact.
Finally I was able to talk to Alex from Marantz technical support, More likely they will have parts for SA 10.He ask me to send my receipt and they will look into it.I will hear from them in 48 hrs.Alex is super patience and helpful. They might give me a break , since SA10 is their flagship sacd player.
Elliottnecombjr those link are very helpful thank you.
TVAD I noticed the sound got more clearer and bigger. Is this the effect of new lens? Did you experience it with your esoteric player after lens replacement?
It works on hybrid as cd player ..It is still sounding good on cd. But I miss the sacd sound. My SACD player 8005 it’s more than 10 yrs no problem.I OWN THE Ruby as well.I hope it will remain reliable reading sacd.I agree regardless of price it happens.
audphile1 t’s out of warranty so I understand that it’s not covered. Because it’s out of warranty United Radio repair won’t accept it .They only repair under warranty.Iam willing to pay on my own but they said no.Marantz owner and prospective buyer should be aware of this.$7000 sacd player to stop reading in 3 yrs and 2 months its not worth it.It looks like Marantz don’t have good support after the warranty.Or they don’t have their own repair center.
Audphile1 , my impression they have good technical support after warranty before I bought the SA 10 and the Ruby. My mistake I should have researched before I purchased their product.Yes it’s sad to leave me hanging and their prospective buyers.Leason learn. Hopefully i can find repair shop that Iam comfortable with.I got an approximate estimate between $800 to 1000.Its way out of my budget.maybe the parts is now rare why it cost that much.
Cleeds I did call some of them they redirected me to United Radio. They only repair within warranty. Corelli I agree I will do my best to find a place to repair it.
I tried the brush cd cleaner it did not work.
Grant my guess is laser but a well known technician think is the mechanism.But who knows.
Agoners how about using DBob by GeerBob ? Just to read SAcd layer? Will this work?I think SA10 has HDMI to connect it.
He has 30 yrs experience working on a reputable repair shop very nice guy. To your question it’s only base on what I told Him. I agree Tvad always better to open and examine by the technician.
I hate to send this machine to a repair shop. I might just be happy playing cd.Even on non sacd it sound amazing with me turning the headphone volume off, dither off ,and using filter 2, and input multi. The sound is more open and more air,tonal balance still the same.
Jafant do you know one? Some of their repair center redirecting me to United Radio in New York. My SA10 is out of warranty they only do in warranty.
Sharri I agree. According to marantz there is nothing they could do to force the authorize service center, The SA 10 is very expensive it need a good repair shop, who are familiar with SA10. It’s only 3yrs and 2 months old,
My advise don’t buy their product this expensive they don’t have good service after warranty.
TVAD thank you. I will try.
Sharri most of the service listed I called they reroute me to United Radio who will not repair out of warranty.Hopefully Deltronics or Stereo Rehab will be able to fix it. I will try to inquire when Iam no longer busy.Thank you.
Sharri thanks I totally agree with you.
Elliottbnewcombjr maybe I will buy 3 or 4 laser assembly for my Sa10 and RUBY FOR FUTURE USED JUST IN CASE.thanks for the link
Sharri the stereo rehab gave me the old lens it looks like it’s over used. Why it no longer read sacd and barely read redbook.This is an open box, I think the unit I got has more mileage than an open box.My guest it’s a refurbished unit.I should have done the reading you told me just for curiosity
Anyone know the parts number of SA10 optical laser assembly. I called encompass but not able to locate it because they don’t have parts number.
Lastly again I recommend buying a spare lens for the SA10. It’s always a good feeling knowing you have an insurance just in case is needed.
I have two choices deltronics and Midwest here in Illinois but I need to get the parts . This will prevent my playerl staying in their shop too long.
Sharri before I will order this traverse has lens on it already?
Sharri yes it’s with Laser.
Sharri iam not able to open it. So that’s ok iam greatful for your help.
I agree. Having the Ruby and Sa10 .Its a good feeling to have back up.Because if I can’t find their parts. Then I can only use them as DAC . Thanks again Sharri.Finding technician is not as difficult finding parts.
Classerich so you got new SA 10 unit then? Is that how marantz and music direct took care of you? I don’t trust their authorize service center to be honest.The reroute you from one onother.
Marantz can be fix here if the parts is available.Classerich my SA10 has 3 yrs warranty’s. When I called them it was out of warranty. The age is 3 yrs and a month and a half.I ask for flexibility to help me.No answer yet.
Since I have bought laser assembly. I might just need a good tech to install it.Out of warranty is not easy to get favors either from MD or Marantz.
Let me add Music Direct will help if it is under warranty. Classerich probably your SA10 that needs $50 laser will be fix and sold as refurbished.
The link Sharri sent on encompass was a breeze to order the laser assembly at encompass in GA. Yours is under warranty why they took care of you.
The SA10 is very expensive and excellent SACd player to just give up on it. Marantz authorized service center are no help. You are right.
Jafant I am choosing stereo rehab here in Chicago. This was recommended by TVAD. They will assessed the player in front of me.Thats how they do it.
I have not try the test yet Sharri .Iam still busy.
Sharri Iam waiting from stereo rehab to response from my email. They prefer email per the telephone response instructions. Yea if they can do it. I will ask you to forward the service manual to them.. Thanks again
Sharri I agree. Why I don’t encourage buying expensive Marantz player or any of their product or any company with short warranty period or do not have good Texhnical support.Because if it’s under warranty Music Direct will fight for you.
I’m Matthew I just got a response from Marantz , it’s just a merry go round.So I give up on them. If your SA10 give up and it’s within warranty you will be fine. Just call MD. They will do it for you.
Immatthew yes it’s not a c good feeling to have an expensive sacd player that can’t read SAcd layer. The biggest problem is the support after the warranty which is only 3 yrs. Those authorize repair center will reroute you on and on . At the end nothing.So I bought two traverse lens assembly for my Ruby and Marantz. As soon as I know they work? I will buy 2 more .
Immatthew If it’s already out of warranty the best thing to do buy the traverse lens assembly for future use. It’s only $51. Then find a good tech. Iam waiting for the parts.TVAD gave me a guy I would like to visit once I got the parts.Out of warranty equals no help, you are on your own. Dont waste your time callling Marantz.