Marantz SA10 sacd player

I love this  player , after 3 yrs and 2 months I purchase it. It doesn’t read single layer sacd. It’s out of waaranty.So United Radio marantz authorize won’t repair it. Is this a common issue on this expensive sacd player?


Showing 17 responses by jafant


Thank You for the reply to my query. Good to read the SA-10 is performing again.


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Talk about the sonic difference(s) between Ruby and SA-10 players.


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Thank You for the confirmation. I will keep Stereo Rehab in mind for future Marantz repair/service. The SA-10 is a modern Classic.


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Let me know when your SA-10 Player is repaired and returns to System.


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which Audio shop did you decide on to fix your SA-10?


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2nd Note;

If you are close to Chicago-land area, Decibel Audio or Saturday Stereo Exchange may be of service as well. Let m know if Deltronics or Stereo Rehab helps.


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Yes, I will send you a few Repair shop locations in a few days.

Stay tuned.


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There are a few other repair Operations for Marantz gear.


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Nice score! on the SA-10 player. Keep me posted on your repair process.

As above, the Traverse Assembly (transport) is available from Encompass and Liberty Electronics. 


Happy Listening!