Marantz SA10 sacd player

I love this  player , after 3 yrs and 2 months I purchase it. It doesn’t read single layer sacd. It’s out of waaranty.So United Radio marantz authorize won’t repair it. Is this a common issue on this expensive sacd player?


Showing 48 responses by jayctoy

Immatthew Sharri gave me the parts number and the link.. So I was able to buy 2 traverse lens assembly. He is a good guy.

Drbarney1 , it’s really hard to copy live , you can put a nice system with a better room.And maybe it can go near the live one.SACd is good but mostly the system is the one that does it.

Sharri My traverse lens are arriving Tuesday. Encompass shipping dept. did not give the package to Fedex, it’s ten days delayed,

I think if you own SA 10 and Ruby it’s good to have reserve traverse assembly optic lens, Encompass is selling for $51.I learn a lesson from my 9000es Modwright. When the lens gave up. No more parts available after 10yrs.. I paid Modwright $1800 for the mod, the 9000es Sony is 1k. The Sony became useless.

Imatthewj finally my 2 laser lens arrived. This is long weekend Stereo Rehab is open Friday. I will visit Stereo Rehab first before bringing my SA10 . To make sure Casper indeed can do it.

Jafant Iam still busy , I have not have time to bring it to stereo Rehab. My friend from Music Direct also recommended stereo Rehab.

Iamatthewj I believe. You can’t use it as a sacd transsport. Only as DAc redbook.You can’t even use DbobwGeerfab either it has no HDMI .

Immatthew it’s worth buying traverse optic lens back up , the SA 10 is good on red book, it’s an amazing sacd player.Encompass has them.

Good choice Matthew SA 10 without sacd it is tough to swallow.Though the redbook is excellent.TVAD I brought my SA10 to stereo rehab today. Casper explain to me what need to be changed.He is legit. Charging me between $230 to $250. Very fair.

My SA 10 lens is beginning not to recognize redbook. So I knew I have to drop it today . I brought the parts I bought from Encompass.

The room is very nice. You are right more tube vintage behind the stores. TVAD thank you again.

Yes TVAD is correct he does not accept shipping stuff. If something happen your SA 10 fail to work Matthew try your best to find a technician locally. Iam sure you can find one. I believe it’s not as hard to install it. After all fail and you can’t find. Though Iam hoping your sa10 will stay healthy.Lets see how things will work on my sa10 . And if all good.Matthew I can sense you are a good guy. I can help just in case.

Imatthew the sa10 is a very good sacd player, and very expensive not to think ahead.I learned a lesson when my Sony 9000es sacd player Modwright $3000 total including the player. It’s a very good player even after 10yrs. When the lens gave up? No more lens available. There I throw a good expensive sacd player. I wish I had the same thinking now securing the 9000 es.Unfortunately I did not know that time lens on sacd burn quickly sometimes.

My guest Casper from stereo rehab will repair my SA10 no sweat. I am full him.So different than any technician I met.

I am feeling better now. Because to find parts correctly is very challenging? Thanks to Sharri . Looking for the right technician is a hard task. We have plenty here but most they are after your money and they have attitude.Yes I do feel good about meeting Casper to do repair. Courtesy of TVAD. Iam not gonna deny I got nervous I paid almost 6k for open box that’s a lot of money.l love both Ruby and SA10. I decided to buy both.That time I never thought vynil will really open up my eyes. So I settle for both sacd players.

They are plenty of used  sa 10 lately on the market ? I saw some at .If you love this Ruby and SA 10 get extra lens for back up.

Sharri basically Casper will just replace the traverse optic lens. I sent you PM too.

Sharri some Sa10 owners will not post the lens problem.Because it will lower the used value.I thought twice in putting this thread.Since Iam 100 % sure I will keep both Sa10 and Ruby I decided to put the thread, my porpuse to put this thread is to find help , and you and TVAD did.Also to inform there is an issue going on for the buyers.AND to let owners know about Marantz services after warranty.When my SA 10 had issues , SA 10 shows up more used. Sharri thank you for your help.

Sharri I agree. I bought used esoteric sacd from Music direct 3 months later it did not work? They refunded me. To pay them back with their good service. I bought the Ruby and Marantz sa10 total $9500 business I gave them.If my Marantz is within warranty I bet they will give me open box sa10. You see if they can’t find me to repair it that’s what they will do. Unfortunately my sa10 is one month and a half beyond warranty. Music Direct is a good company .

My SA 10 it’s beginning to not even read redbook cd.Matthew congratulations now you will have peace of mind.Its just practical to have back up.Later they won’t be available.

This thread produce good positive result. Because of it I was able to put together to find parts and technician. Now Iam looking forward to enjoy my SA 10 again. I terribly miss the sacd mode.The SA 10 shines with balance output as well. 

I might bring myMarantz 4000 Njoe Tjoeb to Kasper for lens replacement. It works 80% most of the time. Only if he can find parts. This is a 20 year old tube player modified in Europe.It sounds very good especially with reflector this player.

Sharri I should have check the hours.i panic and assume both lens run out of hours because the redbook is also not reading properly.Kasper.told me I will get back the old laser see how it looks.I have the marantz 8005 and Yamaha s1000 sacd player, and Ruby , the SA10 is the one I listen most.while waiting for SA10 return , I am now using the 8005 which is amazing on sacd.

Sharri why I did not fight to send my SA 10 to New York . Though I have the original box.The cost of shipping, the unit travels is just too much. The hassel talking on the phone is just too much. I only drove 30 min to stereo rehab..Why I truly appreciate TVAD. Most of the repair in the Chicago area I know except stereo rehab.

Sharri you are right open box do have mileage in them, I did put lot of mileage with my SA10.My friend who rarely used his 20 yr old sony  9000es sacd still working? Therefore the more the player is being used, the lense lifespan shorten.

I just received an invoice from Stereo Rehab and I paid them. Good news. I will pick up the SA10 Friday or Saturday.

Jafant , stereo rehab played the SA10 in their system before I load it to my car. They also return my old lens. Their system is all tubes. The SA 10 sound amazing in their system. Now it’s playing nicely on my system. Let me thank Sharri and TVAd to make this successful repair  happened. Thank you for contributing their post on this thread.

Sharri , Kasper from stereo rehab confirmed to me, the parts from encompass  is genuine . 

Matthew my guest the open box are factory refurbished.Though mine looks brand new.

Matthew good idea to check as Sharri said. I just played mine 4hrs.I wonder if the Cound begins upon turning it on or only when playing sacd or even redbook.Since they are only $51 and I have tech here.And I play them a lot. I will order 2 more keens.-

Matthew my SA 10 was back to factory reset. If not playing for more than 1Hr it will go back to stand by mode which is good to save the lens.My 8005 marantz sacd player does it to.

Matthew now I have to laser back up for my Sa10 and new order arrived today.

Socalm1528 if Mc introsh has good service and stock lasers you are in good shape.