Marantz SA-14S1 or Vinvent CD-S7-DAC

If you had the chance to own either , which would you choose and why

Showing 12 responses by mrtennis

my review sample was black. evidently my editor thought the champagne color would be more attractive.
i reviewed bot of these players on .

the marantz review is available on the web site now, but the vincent review must be accessed in the archive section, on the right side of the front page.

here is my take.

strictly from a sonic point of view, the two players are polar opposites.

the marantz is highly resolving and ruthlessly revealing of poor recordings. there is no liquidity and ot sounds like a good solid state component. it is very dynamic and spacious. but, I think that to some extent it exaggerates the detail and is not musical.

the vincent has a slight tube sound. it is not overly euphonic or soft, but it has some tube warmth. its tube circuit is sensitive, so rolling tubes can get you a more classic tube sound.

obvious, the marantz is more versatile. it is a difficult choice.

although i reviewed both of them, i would not buy either.

there is another player i just reviewed. it will appear on the website shortly. i can't say what it is, but i am probably going to buy it. if this thread is up, i will tell you the name of the player and why i intend to buy it.
I have an oppo 83se modified by dan wright. I have not heard the 105. the "mystery" SACD player should be up on the audiophilia web site soon. I sent the review to my editor.
my review of the mystery SACD player, the TEAC CD-3000, is up on the web site .
hi audiolabyrinth:

for the second time, I did not say the Marantz sounded better than the Vincent.

I said the Vincent had a touch of tube warmth. read my review on

I own a Vincent cd s6. I have tube rolled. I know how good the Vincent can sound. I replaced the tubes in the Vincent cd s7 dac. I heard the changes.

if you are carping about my use of a tube preamp, then, we agree to disagree.

I trust my ears more than yours.
regarding the teac, i find it uncolored. i listened to holly coles' recording of DON'T SMOKE IN BED, track 1 and heard a lot of sibilance. then I listened to a reference recording, of Liszt's Mephisto Waltz--a Reference Recording Release, and i heard a smooth string section.
Listening to other recordings, revealed a player capable of presenting space, dynamics, and natural timbre, when these attributes were on the recording.

so, I would say that while it lacks warmth and liqudity, it is fairly true to the sound of the recording.
I have eliminated the Marantz. I have 100 hours left to break in the Vincent. so far it does not sound very tube like, with 400 hours. the teac is neutral and useful for reviewing.

I also have a ps audio perfect wave dac that is being repaired. when it has been repaired, I will compare the combo of ps audio perfect wave transport and dac to the tac.

there is a chance I may not purchase any of the cd players. I would like to get my hands on a luxman dn-10. I hear it is on the warm side of neutral.
hi audiolabyrinth:

the Luxman player sells for $1500 at music direct.

i will try your suggestion, naml connecting the vincent to the amp, within a few days.
I connected the Vincent, which now has about 500 hours directly to my vtl amps. it did not take very long for me to conclude, that my preamp added warmth and more extension in the bass.
the vincent uses 1 12ax7 and 2 6922. perhaps one tube is for gain, the others, a buffer stage. the owner's manual does not specify.
the issue of tube complement may be moot, when you tube roll.

if you can find some nice sounding 6 and 12 volt tubes, the differences in sonics between the cd-s7 and the cd-s7 dac may be small.