Marantz 2270

Bought at the end of 2016 a Marantz 2270 from Ebay.

The owner at that moment found the receiver in the basement of his grandfather as he told us and put it on Ebay.
I bought it for 435,- euro's and picked up in Germany.
At home I did some investigation because it did not work at all......

What did i found:
Powerswitch contacts where completely burned away.
The dial lights where defective included the stereo indicator.
AM tuner defective
Found strange wirering between poweramps , relais and outlets.
FM signal indicators gave allmost nothing though the reception was sensitive enough.
O yeah, the wooden case was painted...

All these items where repaired with a minimum of costs. And even the wooden case looks perfect after restoring.
Then .... measurements:
Power output more then 80 Watts RMS per channel both channels driven. Distortion less then 0.4% at 70W .
So it still meet the specs I believe.

I Use a set of Bowers & Wilkins DM2a's which are sounding marvelous in combination of this 2270 who was build in 1972 !

Background information: in the very past I worked at the former Dutch import company of Marantz (Amroh in Muiden, the Netherlands) and later on at the service departement of Grundig Netherlands in Weesp.
So, all the knowledge, skills and equipment for restoring audio equipment is available.

If someone needs help you can always contact me.


Showing 1 response by toddverrone

Wish I still lived in Deutschland, I'd have you teach me!

Thanks for bringing an old audio solider back from the brink. I bet that Marantz is happy to sing again.