Mapletree 4SE w/PS2 Users describe strong/weak pt

Considering purchasing a Mapletree 4SE preamp, but don't habe the ability to audition, looking for user input on sound quality strong points and weak points.

Is there another new or used pre in the sub 1,000 range that can beat this???????

Showing 4 responses by fightingwords

very glad to see that this pre is still getting chatter in the forums.

I'm very much considering one, however, I'm concerned about the weight. Only because I like things to stay where I put them and I'm sure thats an easy tweak.
There have been at least 4 for sale here in the last 6 weeks. Asking prices between $450-600. They go fast, be on the look out. You'll get one for a fair price if you check here often.
What do you mean by helpful? make suggestions?

I always thought that tube rolling was more of a personal adventure.
There is another thread here comparing this peice of kit to some other pre's. I've not heard any of the ones you mentioned, but do any of the others have phono stages? I think that's a bug selling point with the Mapletree.