Mapleshade tweaks

Has anyone tried any of the various Mapleshade products and tweaks? Are their interconnects as clearly better as they say vs. AQ or Kimber at similar price points? How about their power cords? Do their maple equipment and speaker platforms make enough difference to justify spending $100-500? How about their footers? Their CD treatments? Their Samson equipment racks? Thanks in advance.
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Showing 1 response by glory

I had the 4" maple block with all the works that went with it.

I bought the HRS M3 and did a A/B between the two and sold the MS as soon as I could. It made me mad that the MS sounded so bad and I fell for it and bought it. The HRS is addictive and once heard you must have it.

I am sure the maple is good for fire wood on a cold day in Destin FL. as I have a fire place and if I DID not sell it that was where it was going. =8^)