Mapleshade Golden Helix Vs Double Helix

I have and enjoy a pair of Golden Helix speaker cables. I love these cables for many reasons, but I'm looking for more fullness to voices without loosing the quickness and sparkle in the process.
Does anyone have experience with Mapleshade's more expensive cable?


Showing 5 responses by sunnyjim

Nonoise, Thank you!! I appreciate the advice and comments. You will be advanced to Audio Valhalla 2012. !!! Jim
Nonoise, Thank you!! I appreciate the advice and comments. You will be nominated for audio sainthood 2012. !!! Jim
Nonoise, I just finished auditioning the Clear Day "single shotgun" speaker cables. Very good sounding cables with the best dynamics and soundstaging I have heard so far from cables under $1000. Unfortunately, Clear Day has no 11 ft pair loaners of the Double Shotgun, which Paul claims offers a fuller more immediate sound.

Regarding the Mapleshade cable,// what "specificly is "better" in your opinion about the Double Helix over the Golden Helix standard?? Tighter bass?? more musical and transparent?? Also, did you get the "Plus" version" of either model?? Mapleshade claims "the Plus" offers a few improvements. Appreciate your input and comments.

BTW, what speakers and power amp are you using with these cables?? Thanks, Jim
Interesting post about Mapleshade's speaker cable offering,Golden Helix and Double Helix. Would have tried the better of the two, but had a "problem" with Mapleshade management over a modded product, and have more or less have shorn off buying anything from them

However, I recently tried ClearDay cable "single shotgun" speaker cables, and have been very impressed with their sound, which though not perfect out performs cables costing 3-4 times as much.They are very balanced and musical with a slight amount of brightness

The NEXT STEP UP in their line is the "double shotgun" silver cable which is supposed to be better. I don't want to keep round tripping speaker cables for audition; so, has anyone compared the two types of Clear Day speaker cables, and if possible, how might they compare to the MS's Double Helix speaker cable?? Thanks, Jim
Nonoise, Seems like you are "reaching" for Valhalla or Nirvana. I just wanted to throw my 2 cents AGAIN into the mix.

I spoke to a sales rep at the Mapleshade Store who claimed that the "Plus" version of Golden Helix speaker cable makes little difference in the sound, if you are listening to classic rock or jazz fusion; except, it may provide a tad more smoothness on the top end. The "Plus" flourishes with quartet or chamber music or acoustic jazz in which ultimate background silence yields more detail and holographic imaging.

In pondering this "thread" over the weekend, and some of my other desperation inquiries, I questioned: when might it be time to end the quest for the last 15 percent of audio heaven. I know there is two moves I could make that will/might/could get me closer. However, my system is nearing what I like to call "peak potential" or the cumulative peak potential of the components, notwithstanding the variety of the interconnects, and cables.

As recommeded by Comrade Nonoise, acquistion of the Double Helix cable will be initiated soon for auditioning.

However, last week I came to the realization that I am just freakin auditioning speaker cables and not necessarily listening to and enjoying the music. I am the last one to advocate the "let it be" attitude, and "stop trying to push the envelope".

After auditioning Clear Day's single wire speaker cable, I reaffired to myself that there are things on many of the CD's that I play, I have never heard before. Including a wider soundstage, better dynamics, and layers of sound, though this last improvement was less noticeable and consistent. I am not sure how long the "let it be" spirit will hold up for me. The last time such wisdom was revealed to me, its duration was about 36 hours before I lapsed back into "audio nervosa"

Nevertheless, I thought these mutterings or mumblings might be useful to someone on AG.