Mapleshade Cables

Has anyone tested the Mapleshade 30 day money back guarrantee?

Did you get your money back and was it a pleasant experience?
I wish I had returned the Mapleshade power strip.

I returned some Analysis Plus speaker cables early on in AP's life as a cable company. The guy was incredulous: "But, but...nobody's ever returned these before. You didn't like them? Nobody's ever said that before." Welcome to high-end audio, guys. Ha!
Hi Joe:

The Mapleshade cables I've used/tried were the double Helix digital cable (it's currently on loan to a friend as I no longer use an external DAC) and their power cords.

I like/liked the digital cable. The power cords did not work out with the system I had @ the time (Audion Silver Night 300B amp/Bel Canto DAC/CAL as transport/Reynaud Twins).

Come this summer I will have been using 47 Labs OTA (.4mm) throughout the system for 3 years (time flies:-).
When I pulg in the Mapleshade Double Helix Digital Cable to my CDP and DAC, I am facing the shielding problem of it when I switch on or off the light of my room. My DAC will switch on and off at the same time, this also happened to my Tact RCS.

I don't know whether it also happen to other users of Mapleshade Double Helix Digital Cable. However, I do not know how to report this case to Mapleshade Company.
Kenneth, I believe they state that their cables are unshielded.

Just call them to return the cables.
I ordered the Double Helix speaker cables (with the 'Plus' treatment [cryo?]). I had no need or desire to return them. I just love them. They are a bit odd looking, decidedly non-high-end looking in fact.

I've had speaker cables in my system that retail from $2000 to $3300, and I think the $500 Double Helix Plus speaker wire beats them all. Flat out.

My pre-amp and amps are tubed; so, I don't know if that makes any difference to the result.

Note: I have no interest in Mapleshade, no personal or financial connection to Mapleshade or its employees.