Mapleshade boards under speakers

Anyone try these, either the finished or unfinished, 2 or 4", with isoblocks or brass feet?
My floors are soft yellow pine, and I've made overall improvements using a panel of birchply under them, wondering what the maple would do? He certainly makes great claims for them.


Showing 1 response by stevecham

A couple of weeks ago the Mapleshade unfinished 2 inch boards I ordered arrived and I simply have the Thiel 2.4s placed atop them without any footers through the thin pile carpeting underneath on a suspended floor. WOW, what an improvement in focus, detail and depth of stage. Here's my conclusion: I think maple happens to have the correct resonance, impedance and absorptive properties that allow phase cancelling information to be absorbed while not absorbing in phase musical information. I think it also performs this "filtering" fairly evenly over the audible range. There is a reason why it has long been used to make musical instruments. Would other tone woods work as well or better? Perhaps, but I know that this made a noticeable improvement and my audio buds all agree.