Manu Katche

I was wondering is it just me or is his 2 albums { Playground and Neighborhood } simply amazing works of jazzart. I find them both hypnotic and engaging . Intelligent and reserved , the music is filled with black space that allows the notes to linger and develop. I am addicted to both . This guy is incredible. Any Manu Katche fans out there?

Showing 1 response by mrmitch

Agree with Tvad, Katche's playing on Neighborhood is good but not the best showcase for his talent. I was always much more impressed with his playing with Gabriel. I was a bass player for many years and have a good appreciation of drummers, since as a bass player you have to lock in w ith them. What I do like about Katche is, like many Moroccan percussionists, he uses the whole kit and does lots of forceful tom tom work. His work always seems to support the group he's with very well, knowing when to come more to the fore and when to lay back. That in itself is a skill.--Mrmitch
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