managable and affordable indoor FM antenna

I'm using one that NPR recommends (standard but heavy duty/flexible T-shape) and it works pretty well, but I'm hoping there is something better out there. I tried the GODAR without much success. Trying to pick up Baltimore stations better (I am in DC suburbs).

For me affordable means <$200

Thanks in advance for your suggestions

Showing 1 response by jlupine

I use a small outdoor antenna indoors. The Winegard HD6000 (Prostar 1000) is 65.5" x 33" and costs $17.93 + shipping from Solidsignal. It provides about 5 dB more gain than a dipole. I just hang it on the wall behind my rack. I listen to only one station, but it seems to work well with others without reorienting it. Some people consider it an eyesore.