managable and affordable indoor FM antenna

I'm using one that NPR recommends (standard but heavy duty/flexible T-shape) and it works pretty well, but I'm hoping there is something better out there. I tried the GODAR without much success. Trying to pick up Baltimore stations better (I am in DC suburbs).

For me affordable means <$200

Thanks in advance for your suggestions

Showing 1 response by craig_hoch

I wanted to resurrect this thread as I have been searching for an antenna solution that works as well. I've tried many antennas without any luck, including an outdoor antenna similar to this one which I tried on both of my tuners in a variety of indoor & outdoor locations without much success:

I also tried a Magnum Dynalab ST-2 whip antenna without much success-a lot of static and distant stations still would not come in clearly. My living room is a real problem as it is partially underground. After reading many posts on A'gon and elsewhere I finally decided to try a set of rabbit ears with an fine tuning adjustment knob like this one:

VIOLA!! I am suddenly getting crystal clear reception for the first time ever, and I'm able to get distant stations that I've only been able to pickup in my car before. The best part is that I found the above rabbit ears (identical in fact) on Ace Hardware's online outlet store for $10 a piece. This is the best $20 I've ever spent on my stereo systems!

BTW, no connection at all to the Ace site or antenna, I just wanted to share a solution to long time problem with fellow A'goners. I did try to buy the rabbit ears from the A'gon sellar however he or she does not respond to offers to buy, emails or phone messages any longer.