Man my Center Channel Sounds Sweet Tonight

Only things is , its not even on. Im listening in good old fashioned two channel balanced flat stereo, but the performers voices are coming dead center. Isnt it sweet after all the trials , research , tweaks , logic , non logic , blood , sweat and tears when you finally get it right. Here's to all the two channel heads tonight. Could not have done it w/o all the great A goners thoughts and theories to ponder. Many Thanks !

Showing 1 response by darrylhifi

Well.......the soundstage is so good that anyone on my couch would swear the center channel was on. In fact I stare at it like it is on. At least its pretty to look at. Its a Silverline in Rosewood. I only have 1 room to play in so I had to combine HT / and Audio in 1 room, but my focus has always been on how does the two channel sound. IMO HT is EZ, mostly because the software on DVD's in DD and DTS is so damn good, its pretty hard to screw up. Its the two channel where I dedicate the time and the bacon.