Male audiophile seeking Female audiophil

In the past 10 years I've experienced the fact that none of the women I have been involved with have shared the same interest and enthusiasm that I have for Hi-end quility stereo equipment. Because of my passion and my lady friends inability to relate it seems that I always turn into this stereo geek and occasional bore. I also feel cheated never being able to take any of the women I know to consumer conventions or visit various sound shoppes locally or when I,m out of town with them without them standing around impatiantly. For this reason I ask the question "are there any forums or chat rooms,etc. out there for audiophiles to meet"? If anyone know's anything please share it?

Showing 2 responses by sedond

well, 6 months of searching for a gnu preamp are over - after 4 different preamps, much interaction w/the ups guy (not yet over - in fact - gotta ship out the cary next week!), my recently-purchased melos preamp, back from las-vegas for a tune-up, was finally put back in the system this week. and, yesterday's several hours of work installing the origin-live power-supply upgrade for my oracle 'table was finally complete, & this a.m., my wife went in, cued up talking heads & preceeded blast us outta the house! she sure can bitch when i'm doin' this stuff, parts everywhere, never knowin' what preamp will be in the system one day to the next, etc. but, when i'm (temporarily!) done, boy does she ever *like* it! she hate all the matching/updating stuff that goes on w/this hobby, but the proof's in the tasting, and boy, she's happy when it tastes good! ;~) doug
hey, sdcampbell, your conclusion mite be correct, if both halves of the brain functioned equally. however, as most of us know, the left half is the part of the brain that deals w/logic, the right half is the part dealing w/intuition & feelings. doug