Male audiophile seeking Female audiophil

In the past 10 years I've experienced the fact that none of the women I have been involved with have shared the same interest and enthusiasm that I have for Hi-end quility stereo equipment. Because of my passion and my lady friends inability to relate it seems that I always turn into this stereo geek and occasional bore. I also feel cheated never being able to take any of the women I know to consumer conventions or visit various sound shoppes locally or when I,m out of town with them without them standing around impatiantly. For this reason I ask the question "are there any forums or chat rooms,etc. out there for audiophiles to meet"? If anyone know's anything please share it?

Showing 1 response by audio4fun

Now this has got to be one of the most interesting threads I have read. I would welcome all audiophiles, male or female in NC, that would like to chat or get together to tallk about Audio. Maybe we can start a web page or something. I have had two wives & lots of audio equipment, Audio is much more cost effective, & much easier to upgrade! LOL Good Luck Guys!