Major Contradiction, Can you replace foam surrounds with Rubber Surrounds on Speakers ???

Hi Guys, I have a major conundrum to decide, and need the experts in the community to help. I have the Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and have 4 woofers that need re-foaming.

 Here's the issue, First, according to Wilson, I had called 2x(at different times) and asked to speak with a speaker engineer, Both times the knowledgeable staff member that answered the phone said that wasn't possible, but would relay any message to them on the spot and get back with me while I hold. My question was: Can you replace the foam surrounds on the Wilson speakers with Rubber Surrounds . After waiting on hold for about 5 minuets, he said "yes, you can",

I Then proceeded to call the well regarded Miller Sound in PA, who is recognized to one of the best in the Industry to do the replacing of speaker surrounds. I proceeded to ask the same question to him, and he said, "No, & that it would change the sound of the speaker and to only redo them using foam surrounds to preserve its original sound quality" . I see no other supporting evidence one way or the other on the net. What do you folks say and please elaborate one way or the other to help me justify my decision. Thank you, Rich

Showing 2 responses by oldhvymec

You got some GREAT advise from a professional rebuilder, why are you asking. If you want to go with BR surrounds , go for it. It will change the sound, plain and simple.. It will be what you turn it into.. There is a place for BR, fabric, or silicone surrounds. I have drivers with silks and wire from 1934. They work perfect..

New foams with treatment will last 30 years if you rotate the driver 180 every 2 years or so..

BR 50 years

Fabric, 100 years

Silicone forever... :-)


Then proceeded to call the well regarded Miller Sound in PA, who is recognized to one of the best in the Industry to do the replacing of speaker surrounds.

You got some GREAT advise from a professional rebuilder, why are you asking.

You got some generic advice from a rebuilder who probably did not consider how the product was used in application, in your specific model of speaker.


Like I said, Twice NOW. the OP got some great advice from a professional builder.

dletch2, before you make comments MAYBE you should read a tad closer.

If you change the surround it WILL change the driver. There has been a few thread about getting Wilsons refoamed and they didn’t preform correctly. NOT CLOSE.. They were sent in AGAIN and refoamed to correct the issue.

As I recall it was behind not using WILSONs foams, they didn’t even go to different type.. It was the "Wilson" surround that DID make the difference..

Like timlub I’ve done a slough of VC/Cone swaps, Surround, hundreds.
Surrounds are kinda 101 for the DIY.

Unless you’ve listened to a surround swap, I just wouldn’t go there..

Get the surrounds from Wilson if you liked the performance you had.
Get the surrounds from someone ELSE if you want to change the sound..

BR will reduce the efficiency of the speaker.. Don’t believe, THEN READ..

A speaker manufacture will tell you just that.. Change the surround change the efficiency...
I do have some speakers with silicone surrounds.. Close in efficiency.

BR rubber is TOUGH, but not known for speed. Fabric on the other hand is probably the fastest and toughest.. Butyl Rubber works really well with high excursion drivers, Foams just won’t hold up.. Sense when did Wilson start using High Excursion drivers? Medium excursion and HIGH efficiency..

Happy Happy...