Mainstream reviews-why so few?

I have a question as to why certain products, such as the Green Mountain Audio Europa speakers, raved about on audiogon, receive so little mainstream press exposure? Maybe there are several reasons, but I am just curious. Thanks in advance for any comments.

Showing 4 responses by bartokfan

Agree with Macro, seems the most 'well respected speakers:" I've heard (Big ad campaigns) can't hold a candle next to Tyler's , who spends not a dime on "promoting"
Now think about it. Isn't life, just like THAT.??

The mags are not our friends. I avoid the stereo mags like the plague.
Why even care about "professional reviews". What do they know?
Besides it all depends on how much money a co spends on ads will determire how much attention these presscorps will give a product.
Tyler spends zero $ on ads, and get sfaint attention from any media, but that doesn't keep Tyler from being my fav speaker.
You guys know perfectly what i am implying. The mags are fed by ceratin brands ad $'s and are rewarded with glowing reviews and hype. You know how it all goes around. Most of that stuff highly praised in the mags have never held up to any such claims in my experiences.
If its advertized I'm not interested. Whats the big deal here. ?
If you guys want to support "The Industry' go right ahead.Not on my expense.
80% of the audio world is hyped to varying degrees.
I'll never forget a speaker I heard recently that was ranted about here and in a mag. Starts with the letter S.
Man what a big let down. Same old sales pitches from the early 70's. .
Because , from my limited experience and a perspective built up over 30 yrs around stereo, eqip that is featured in full page ads and as well featured in the mags reviews, all this eqip tends to be much less than the expectations I had hoped for.
I only purchased one stereo mag in the past 20 yrs, and that was for the Tyler Linbrook Systems 2 review by Sally Reyonlds.
And that was the only thing I read or looked at in the Stereophile issue.
If a brand is featured in a mag, its very likely not in my consideration.
Cayin as mentioned would be the rare exception. But you really do not see many of their ads in a mag. Besides whatever they say is the god honest truth. No fluff, no hype.
End of rant