Mahavishnu Orchestra fans...?

Which album/s would you recommend for the heavier/fusion type stuff? Thanks. I own one live recording and would like studio recordings.

Showing 1 response by samuel

One not mentioned within the genre that is an all-time great along with my Vishnu's seminal recordings is:

Joy Of Flying--Tony Williams
More Jazz fusion in the vein of Weather Report than 'Vishnu, and It may be hard to find, but WOW what a combination of all-stars, each bringing their own piece of music, and Williams was at his peak.

The album features Stanley Clarke, Herbie Hancocock, Cecil Taylor, George Benson, Tom Scott, Jan Hammer, Ronnie Montrose, Randy Brecker, David Sanborn etc. It was a can't miss album because it brought so many different styles together. Williams is *spectacular* in this, and Tom Scott and Benson were never in better form on Lyricon and Guitar respectively, on "Hittin On Six" and "Hip Skip" where Benson absolutely cuts loose--worth the price alone. Those that think of Benson as a lame pop vocalist should hear him play guitar on this and some other great jazz/fusion albums..