Magnum Dynalab tuner

I bought this tuner for $3600 about 20 years ago new from Music Lovers in Berkeley and it has had very little use and is in excellent condition.  How much is this tuner worth today and does anyone want to buy it?

Showing 3 responses by doug714

I can’t tell you the model number at the moment cause I am in a rehab group home in Vallejo for my cocaine and alcohol addictions and I live in downtown San Francisco.  But it was the middle priced tuner about 20 years ago.  From photos I have it looks to be a model MD102 but the photo is not real clear.  I hope to be out of this rehab center in about 2 weeks and I will provide you with the exact details, but it sounds like I might as well just keep it since it’s paid for already and I really don’t need to sell it for the money.  I just had some free time and decided to get on Audiogon again after many years absence.  I used to buy and sell lots of gear on here about 15 years ago but I think they changed things a bit and my history and reviews and all gone now.  Thanks for all your assistance.  :)
Wow guys. I might as well just keep this tuner since it’s paid for and looks nice in my audio rack. Thanks for the feedback. 
Wow guys. I might as well just keep this tuner since it’s paid for and looks nice in my audio rack. Thanks for the feedback.