Magnum Dynalab MD809T

Has anyone heard or have any experience with the new Magnum Dynalab MD809T internet radio?
no, but i own a 102T tube tuner with a built in Dac and their products are superb. I am sure it is fully thought out, however internet audio is compressed band width and I am sure they can only take it so far with a flawed source.
I just bought the entry level M.D. Internet tuner to replace my Transporter.
It's connected to my Cary dac.
Sound very good but the screen is extremely hard to see.
i just bought the MD 801 entry internet tuner which plays thru my MD 108T w internal DAC- decided to go this route rather than sell the 108Tand get an 809. just love internet radio- sounds very nice- and the frontier silicon has lots of stations and allows you to choose any that
they don't have already- so far it's been great- hardly listen to anything but internet radio anymore- radio paradise is wonderful.
For internet radio and its inherent signal limitations, it seems like just getting a Squeezebox, which has a relatively easy interface and a lots of control options, and then running the signal into a DAC of your choice would be a much more flexible option. And much less expensive unless you go crazy on the DAC.