Magnum Dynalab MD 208?

Anybody own this unit and if so what do you think about it, likes/dislikes?

Showing 1 response by kchahoc

I auditioned this piece at home for about a week. My equipment was Nautlis 805's, Arcam Alpha 9 CD, and Transparent music wave pulse speaker wire and interconects. First, the sound was sexy: Very smooth and non fatiging. My girl friend absolutly loves it. In fact, in some ways I did too. I did not care for the transformer hum. I think this has something to do with the tuner though because the hum leaked mostly into the tuner, especially when the lights were turned on the noise level increased. I think I may buy the 308 integrated amp from magnum. It is the first sub-5000 dollar combo I have come across that has some groove to it. One quark though, it did not like playing RadioHead. However it sounded wonderful on classicas, vocals, and Jazz.
Hope this helps,