Magneplanar .7 speakers. Have you heard or own them??

I have owned a pair of Golden Ear Technology for about 8 months. I generally like them because of their high level of accuracy and general transparency   However, despite those virtues, I find them to sound cool, and not very involving, or engaging.  Everything being equal, they don't seem to convey the emotional content of the music. I also been finding it difficult to get them to sound right. They can sound a bit bright on some CD's and also provide an overtone on vocals 

I would like to get  feedback from owners of the Magneplanar's .7 speaker, or even if you have only auditioned the speaker a few times in anticipation of buying. Some of the reviews I have read claim that with a fairly powerful amp or integrated, they can cleanly down to 45Hz, but their major strength is a superb midrange and smooth high end. Of course, being familiar with "Maggies" they can give a buyer ulcers trying to get them to sound right especially in medium size room because of their design.  My room is 12.5 X 15 and is separated by a couch to a dining and kitchen area.of almost the same size 

Therefore, I am curious if the .7 can convey that  emotion of music with the same clarity of a  dynamic speaker.  My system is a Rogue Sphinx integrated  amp (100 RMS @ 8ohms, and 200 RMS at 4ohms.  CD player is a Ayre CX-7e mp.

Speaker cables are Harmonic Technology PRO 11+ and  HT Truthlink IC.  I  plug the system into the less expensive Blue Circle's  conditioner which is outstanding,  Thanks to all!!

BTW , I heard the .7 once but not for long, and in a audio shop that carries both Maggies and Golden Ear Technology speakers  However , the owner never seems to have .7 and the GET model 7 on display for audition at the same time.  .   



I was just this week lucky enough to get a pair of .7's from a fellow member who had them for all of 6 months -$1200 including the acrylic stands. After auditioning them against the 1.7i's a couple of weeks back I truly scored a great buy here. 

They're being played with a B. A. T. VK3i preamp and a Primare A34.2 class D amplifier which will output close to 300 watts into 4 ohms. 

When I auditioned them I was sitting about 6 feet away, in my living room I'm sitting at least 10 feet. (24 long X 13 wide, ceiling 17 ft)

To say I'm content is an understatement.  I think the .7's are simply a better speaker than the big brothers, offering better defined midrange and highs, especially with vinyl.  To my ears the big brothers seemed reserved, less strident. There was definitely a more present bass aspect, but there's enough with the .7's to make the decision of spending less palpable. 

Whether or not I'll add a sub is something that might develop over a longer term, but for now these are easily up there in my all time favorites. 
To Oregon and Oblgny   Both of your provide rave reviews of the Magneplanar  .7 speaker. I am curious if you ever seen , heard  or seriously auditioned  the Scansonic 2.5 speaker which has  a small footprint and is slim column that retails for $3600., Fortunely they are being resold in what can only be termed a fire sale on AG.  This line is SUPPOSED have the pedigree of the Raidho speakers made in Denmark which sell for almost twice the price.  If either of you auditioned the Scansonic 2.5 model, I would appreciate you comparative comments about them and the Maggie.7   Thank you,  Jim
Been away for a while.  The Pi AQD diffusers enlarge the soundstage in every dimension, particularly depth. I also have a mix of ASC, GIK and Primacoutic traps.  Of course, with stereo RELs and the .7 the soundstage is huge to start.  

I have heard the scansonic at my local raidho, magicio, Devore, Zanden, constellation, etc. dealer.   I think they found the bass not as fulsome as the raidho, which was a good thing.  They sounded good but I was not listening critically
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Actually, more than just depth with the PI AQDs. 3D palpable presence and corporeal dimensionality. I am a big fan.