Magnepans,tweeters on inside or outside?

This may be a room size/shape and personal taste issue..but,
I would like to hear other Magnepan owners experience and
preference with tweeter panel placement. ...Thanks

Showing 1 response by ehider

I owned many Magnepans models for many years, and was EXTREMELY anal about toe-in, distances from the walls, and the inside/ outside tweeter preferences. After about 14 months of trying virtually every variation, I can state the following: With the tweeters on the outside, you get a larger soundstage that will extend beyond the outside edge of each speaker. With the tweeters on the inside, you can acheive a more solid center image (but definately give up that truly wide soundstage). Since I love massive soundstages, the former was the best for me. If you are into small chamber type music, or similiar type music, then the inside tweeter configuration may be preferable. I feel that there is not a "right" answer to your question. It is all a matter of music preferences, and what you want out of your system. Additionally, some equipment and cables are not very good at recreating stable center images, with lots of depth, so speaker positioning sometimes has to make up for this loss in soundstage recreation information.