Magnepans and dogs

I used to own a pair of Proac Response 3s - loved them, and I still miss them sometimes. But during my listening sessions my dog would soon get up off the couch and head into another room. Recently I bought a pair of Maggie 1.7s. Now my dog stays in the room when I listen. And, she jumps up into the listening chair when I get up. Nothing else in the system changed - electronics are all tubes.

I am guessing this has to do with the fact that dogs are more sensitive to sounds in  high frequency ranges. Did the ProAcs sound shrill to her?

Also, my wife LOVES the Maggies. We both have always enjoyed our listening sessions. But now she hogs the listening chair and stays up late to listen to music. I think she would divorce me if I tried to sell the Maggies (only a mild exaggeration). I have read that females have better hearing than men. Plus, I'm getting up there in the years, and my hearing probably is not what it used to be. I like the Maggies too and am quite satisfied with them, but it appears not to the extent as others in my household. 

Can anyone provide a (semi-) scientific answer to this phenomenon?

PS. I am not a shill for Magnepan, just trying to understand what is going on.

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Showing 4 responses by mahgister

My two dogs
are neither Gog
nor Magog
but my only two gods
If you spell dog
 the right way
you will walk away
With a loving god

I live in quebec...

I dont travel though ....

We have dogs and music in common it seems...

My  very best to you....And thanks for this unusual thread ...


I live in north NJ, NYC suburbs.

By the way i always owned dogs big and small for the last 45 years...

Now i keep 2 small dogs...One rescued adult from bad owners , the wiser one, a male small beautiful and of mixed races...

The other rescued from abandonment directly from Cuba... A Havana race not recognized officially...A female , very gracious...It is my male one who pick her among others female candidates, not us ... They sleep together and eat together and play together as one...😊

Dogs made my empty house playful even after my children were gone for a long time now...

Someone who mistreat dogs or children is not human for me...

Same thing with cats but i prefer dogs as my guest even if i love cat... or birds especially crows...


«Animals are the human part of us...» Anonymus natural scientist



My dog is very wise but i dont think his relation to some harmonics bundle imitate mine and he certainly does not discern no more than my wife did the difference between tubes and solid state...

But my wife as the dog react favorably to the room controlled acoustic...

I concluded that some dog are better educated in audio than others... 😊😉

Or perhaps my Sansui alpha sound more like tube than S.S. Anyway i owned only 2 tubes amplifiers in the past and the more fluid and meaty sound the more " tubes sound" come with my 2 solid state Sansui...Perhaps it is not the room acoustic my dog spotted but the Sansui alpha ... 😉

We must organize a listening dogs blind test ... Where do you live ? 😁 Perhaps one of us own the next RCA Victor dog ?...


My dogs like my system. I have a love seat with my side in the sweet spot. One of my dogs always jumps up and listens. Likes classical, and jazz… but not the crazy frenetic stuff. In the much earlier days when I had solid state stuff other dogs and partner would leave the room. It is a great test of how natural your system sounds.